Monday, November 30, 2009

Stuffed Animal Dog Show

Is it OK to laugh (a lot) at this...

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Risky Business, Indeed

Hey, Gina, let's do a spoof of that famous scene from Risky Business. OK, but be careful, the floor is kinda slippery. Come on, i know it's slippery, that's the point...

Monday, November 02, 2009

Fork Lift Accident Brings Down The Warehouse Video

This video is proof that God answers prayers. My eyes are filled with tears of joy right now... It's as if an angel has touched me.

Friday, October 09, 2009

The Problem with Live News

The real problem is that this doesn't happen all the time.

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Girl Scared Of Bug

although this was planned prank, the reaction is not. instead of squishing the bug, someone needs to squish this bitch.

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Bonehead Play

Up two points with time expired, a Vermont High School football player catches a missed field goal and spikes the ball, leaving it in play and giving the losing team another shot to pick up the ball and run it in for a game winning touchdown. I wish there was footage of the locker room beatdown that kid must have received after the game...

UGA Body Painter Talks About His Craft

...and by talks, I mean screams like a mad douche bag.
I'm almost too embarrassed for him to watch this again.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Racer of the Century


Chubby Girl Bad at Mechanical Bull

The payoff isn't really until :45 seconds in, but watching the entire 1 minute clip from the beginning makes it much more funny....

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Monday, August 31, 2009

Fat Kid Loves Bacon

They say it's the parents' fault for pushing Bacon and Bacon products since baby food...

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Breakdancer breaks stuff

I'm gonna teach this kid some moves, yo....

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Automatic Door too slow

Now that I've organized my papers, I don't think I have time to wait for this thing to open...

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Monday, August 10, 2009

Professor Erases Trouble

Man, pissing this girl off in front of me is so fun. I'm glad the teacher is too stupid to realize what's going on...

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Toilet Paper Prank

That'll teach you to play tricks on your daughter...

Blindfolded Prank

You want me to trust you with this blindfold log toss thing? OK, I can do that...

Thursday, July 30, 2009

English Teacher

What a sweet grandson...

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A Message From Chris Brown

Nice blouse, Chris.

"Please let me be your roll model again, so i can get off this R&B blacklist and go back to making lots of money."

sweep the leg, daniel son

I bet this is from one of those cool Vegas pool parties i keep hearing about...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


With Perfect-O-Date your dating troubles are over,
and so is your life...

What's that taste in my mouth?

These adds leave a funny taste in MY mouth

Put a ring on this

See how this clown mask helps me dance like Beyonce...

Monday, July 13, 2009

Persian Dating Ritual

Somebody call this dude back already, damn...

Dumptrucks can be Dangerous

This really is a good ole truck...

Gymnastics Stunt

OK, i know we haven't really practiced this enough, as is evident by the way i'm barely holding this guy up, but let's just use it in the competition anyway...

Sidewalks can be Slippery

I sure hope this puddle isn't too deep...

Friday, July 10, 2009

Car add on Craigslist

Ford Focus - good reliable first car - $4000 (King)
Reply to:
Date: 2009-07-08, 7:33PM

Looking for a first car for a teen? This car is absolutely brilliant. It's got low mileage (68k), has been super reliable, and is excellent on gas. Since you're likely paying for the gas, this will make things much cheaper on you. I average like 37MPG to a tank. And with such low mileage, it'll work great for a long long time.

But you wanna know the best reason to buy this car for your kid?

It's slow as shit. You don't have to worry about speeding tickets or accidents in this baby. Your kid could have a 1 mile run and hit a brick wall not wearing a seatbelt and not be going fast enough to do shit. And there won't be any sense in him getting some shitty ass fart can off of eBay - this car has the super slow SPI engine, no sense in trying to make it any faster. It's a 4-door, so your kid won't try to put gay ass Lambo doors on it. It is still possible to fit this with a body kit, but if you'd like, for an extra $200, I can stab him in the face if he does this.

It's a 5-speed, so your kid can't talk on his cell phone while playing Gameboy and smoking pot - he'll have to actually pay attention. It also means you won't have to pay for an automatic transmission when your kid beats the hell out of it. It's got a new clutch and new tires, so you'll know if he does burnouts. After all, I'm sure YOU'RE the one paying for tires, right? It's got an aftermarket head unit in it, so your kid won't fuck it up when him and his buddies try to wire in a "phat ass system". It's already had the speakers replaced too, so he won't have to tear the door cards off and then look like a retard when he can't get them back on. It's got manual windows too, so he can't fuck up the window motors when he rolls one of his friends heads up in it as a joke. A new battery means when he leaves his headlights on, it won't leave you totally stranded.

But really though, one of the best parts is that, because it is a 4 door, it will be somewhat embarrassing for him to be seen in. I'm sure you get pissed at him from time to time. Hell, you're probably mad at him for harassing you into buying him a car in the first place. So get this one. It has no A/C, so you'll know he's suffering every time you get mad at him. Pretty satisfying. It'll bring a smile to your face too, to know he's rolling around looking like a faggot in a Ford Focus.

So buy this car for your kid. You won't regret it.

* Location: King
* it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

Oops, I missed my flight

I hate it when I miss a flight too, but for fuck sake, pull yourself together...

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Dog likes Vagina

My dog won't stop biting my other dog's penis and my vagina. I guess I should take him to the park for a walk. Maybe i'll even go off leash...

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Sweet Dunks

I bet I can get some major hops off this trampoline

Ok, watch me hang on this bitch...

Oh, wait, you need to hold on to the ball?

Nice assist by my car

Were you gonna jump over me or on me?


Human Slingshot

How does someone convince you this is a good idea to begin with...

Roof Jump

Roof to Trampoline to Pool: NO PROBLEM...

Stuart Anderson

Stuart Anderson - The Least Popular Kid in Glasgow

It's always a tricky gray area when making fun of kids.
Except this time.

Alas, I may know why he's never kissed a bonnie lass before...

Jesus loves Motorcycles

Dear God, this wheelie is for you...

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Big Ball Knockouts

who's got the biggest balls of them all...

Monday, April 27, 2009

Japanese Game: Don't Ram The Boobs!

is my face in some japanese boobs worth an electric shock? Glico and Hewlet Packard seem to think so.

Treadmill Racism

Treadmill Gangsta
yeah, yeah, check out these dope moves, nigga

terrorist attack

honky time

wait, i'm sure two giggly girls can sort it out

OK, these guys get it right

Sunday, April 05, 2009

good drivers

mad skills...

crazy woman smashes up husbands car

Crazy people are needed in this world. Seeing this shit makes me happy.

DUI Test

Fuck me, the sound of drunk skull hitting concrete never sounded so beautiful!! Get ready to revere in delight my friends, this will make your blood boil with joy.

office worker goes crazy

Watch this office worker go crazy. If this shit doesn't give you a boner, you're hopeless.

japanese reporter

i'm sure this tape will hold me...

it's not easy being pretty

please stop laughing at me...

grapes are fun

these grapes get kind of slippery after jumping up and down on them, huh...

Monday, March 23, 2009

sweet backflip

"hey guys, watch me do a backflip off the top of this vending machine with only concrete to break my fall." what could possibly go wrong...